Senior Lifestyle Leave a Comment / By Blink Lin / October 22, 2024 Welcome to your Senior LifestyleHow old are you this year? 60-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81 and above None How would you describe your daily activity level? High (I exercise or engage in physical activities every day) Moderate (I occasionally exercise or do some physical activities) Low (I rarely or do not engage in physical activities) None How would you describe your health status? (You may select more than one option) I have no significant health issues I have chronic illnesses (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.) I need to regularly monitor health indicators (like blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.) I require daily care and assistance devices What types of activities do you enjoy? (You may select more than one option) Outdoor activities (such as walking, hiking, etc.) Indoor entertainment (such as reading, puzzles, etc.) Crafts and creative activities (such as knitting, handmade crafts, etc.) Family gatherings and social activities What are your needs regarding health supplements? (You may select more than one option) Boosting immunity Improving digestive health Supporting heart health Managing blood sugar or cholesterol levels Relieving joint pain Do you need any of the following assistive devices? (You may select more than one option) Health monitoring devices (such as blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, etc.) Warming devices (such as heating blankets, electric heating pads, etc.) Mobility aids (such as walkers, wheelchairs, etc.) Memory aids (such as reminder devices, medication organizers, etc.) How would you rate your sleep quality? Very good (I get 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night) Fair (I sometimes experience insomnia or disruptions during sleep) Not very good (I often have trouble sleeping or have sleep disorders) None Time's up